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Productivity Hacks for Remote Workers Snaphunt

Productivity hacks for remote workers | Snaphunt #

Excerpt #

For those new to the remote team game, adjusting to being self-managed can be

For those new to remote work, adjusting to being your own boss and being self-managed can be overwhelming. From a structured office environment, you’re thrust into a situation that requires you to plan and structure your own work. A challenging task especially since your work environment also happens to be your home. #

Staying focused takes effort. Roommates, family, and children are some of the distractions that we have to deal with given the circumstances we find ourselves in. If you’re looking at ways to boost your productivity, we’ve got you covered. This article provides you with essential productivity tips to help you become a successful remote worker.

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1. Dress for Success #

The seemingly insignificant act of getting dressed in the morning has a huge psychological impact on productivity. While it’s tempting to stay in your PJs all day long the physical act of getting dressed helps you transition into “work mode”.

As you shed your pajamas and put on your outfit for the day, it signals your brain that you’re getting ready to be productive.

While you don’t have to get dressed to the nines, it’s important that you dress in preparation for the day ahead. Making a concerted effort to get dressed is one of the best work from home tips you can use to propel yourself forward.

2. Set and Stick to a Schedule #

Having flexibility is one of the biggest benefits you’ll enjoy working remotely. However, maintaining a realistic schedule can be trickier than it seems. In the usual office setting, you’ll be stuck behind your desk for eight hours and have nothing else to do but work. 

At home, things get a little bit fuzzy. Whether you’re an earlier riser who likes to get things done before dawn, or a night owl preferring the quietness of the evening to complete your work, either is fine as long as you have a schedule.

One of the most important remote work tips is to get into the habit of setting times to do different activities. Whether it be waking up, going to sleep, eating lunch or closing shop for the day, as creatures of habit, we thrive on routines and our brains are physiologically wired to follow patterns. Remember not to overwork.  Time tracking for employees can help you make sure you don’t work overtime and have time for yourself.

3. Separate Work and Play Area’s #

When working from home it’s imperative that you separate work and relaxation. Having a designated workspace is of psychological importance because it triggers the brain to put you into work mode.

It’s for this same reason that you shouldn’t work from your livingroom recliner or, worse, your bed. If you do your brain subconsciously goes into relaxation mode through association which negatively impacts your motivation to want to work.

It’s for the same reason why you shouldn’t stay in your PJ’s all day nor should you work from your bed or couch. If you can’t set up a workspace at home, give a coworking space, coffee shop, or the library a test drive.

4. Set Boundaries and Switch Off #

You might find it difficult to “switch off” when you wfh ( work from home). Unlike in a traditional office, you don’t vacate your workspace at the end of the day and might feel the need to compensate for the feeling of invisibility that comes part and parcel with being physically absent.

To counteract this feeling of invisibility, many are tempted to respond to work requests outside of working hours. Once or twice in response to an emergency request is fine, however, if you don’t set firm boundaries you’ll be stuck in virtual meetings during your personal time which can stress you out and lead to burnout.

Make a point of “clocking out” at a certain time of the day and try not to return calls, reply to emails or, anything work-related after you’ve called it a day. The most productive remote workers are those who know how to set boundaries and how to switch off.

Final Thoughts #

In the end, remote work is a great opportunity, it’s up to you to make it work and make it sustainable for you. Follow these tips to help you find your stride and make working from home a breeze.

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