📓 Cabinet of Ideas

Oblivion Is a Utopian Novel & Collection of Essays

Oblivion is a utopian novel & collection of essays #

Excerpt #

Here’s the index of everything I’ve written so far.


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At The Elysian, it is my goal, not to point out all the problems with the world, but to think through the solutions—to dream up a better future through essays and fiction, while studying humanist and utopian thought alongside paid subscribers.

Here’s a complete collection of my work so far.

I publish essays thinking through a better future. Here’s the collection so far:

Fiction #

I serialized my first novel, a gothic novel called Obscurity, in 2021-2022. Now I’m working on a utopian novel that I will serialize when it’s complete. I also write short fiction.

My Process #

I also share my process and my life as I go. Here are some of the things I’ve learned about writing and publishing on the internet since I began this newsletter.

My newsletter has been featured by BBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Publisher’s Weekly, Means of Creation, and Morning Brew. In 2022, I was awarded one of 10 places in Substack’s coveted fellowship program, and in 2023 I was named a Roots of Progress fellow.

I hope this provides a good introduction to my work so far, and I’m so excited to continue the work next week!

Thank you so much for being here, and if we haven’t met yet come say hi in the comments!

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