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Avoiding the Soft Delete Anti Pattern · Cultured Systems

Avoiding the soft delete anti-pattern · Cultured Systems #

Excerpt #

24 Apr 2024

24 Apr 2024

Programmers hate deleting things; we’ve all felt that feeling in the pit our stomach when we realise that thing we deleted was really deleted, and on the other hand the security of deleting some unused code, safe in the knowledge that it’s still really there in version control. In the sphere of databases, this terror of deleting things leads people to advocate soft deletion: instead of really deleting a record, you add a field which marks the record as deleted, and you treat any record marked in that way as if it were deleted. This is generally a bad idea, and there are a number of better ways of ensuring access to old data.

The main problem with soft deletion is that you’re systematically misleading the database. This is most obvious in the case of foreign key constraints. If it’s important to your data integrity that some column in one table references a row that exists in another table, a foreign key constraint instructs the database to enforce that by, among other things, preventing the deletion. A similar issue arises with unique constraints: conceptually, uniqueness probably shouldn’t consider deleted items (say a user deletes their account, and later wants to sign up again with the same email address), but the database doesn’t know that. You also face difficulties with modifying the database structure, as you have to consider, not just how these modification affect live data, but how it would affect historical data, where the change might not make sense. You can mitigate some of these problems by carefully crafting triggers and constraints to take into account the deletion marker, but that adds significant complexity.

Because you’re misleading the database, you also encounter problems with querying the data. You can no longer rely on SELECTs to only return live data; you have to remember to check the deletion marker in each WHERE clause (and in each JOIN; I nearly forgot about that while writing this, a reflection of the many times I’ve forgotten about it while implementing this). You can potentially avoid this by creating views that filter out the deleted rows, or you can outsource the problem to an ORM (with something like Hibernate’s @Where annotation which can add the deletion marker to its constructed queries). But these are fragile and, especially for the ORM case, leaky abstractions; it’s easy to make a mistake and end up querying soft deleted data, or for the ORM to make a mistake and try and query data which it then fails to find because it thinks its deleted.

Of course, the extra complexity introduced by soft deletion isn’t necessarily a reason to avoid it; perhaps it’s a price worth paying in the noble quest to never lose data. But it’s worth thinking about how much soft deletion actually helps us here. The thing is, in the common case of a database that’s the live storage for an application, we remove data all the time — not by deleting it, but by overwriting it. Here, the database represents the current state of the application, not an archive (for something like a data warehouse, which is frequently added to but less frequently mutated, different rules apply, and is one of the cases where my “generally” above might not apply). So soft deletion, as well as being complex, might be insufficient. Soft deletion is often touted as a “best practice” and implemented without much consideration; but we might do better to consider exactly what data permenance we want to achieve, and adopt an approach which more precisely meets those needs.

Alternative 1: YOLO #

I think it’s worth giving serious consideration to the simplest option: just hard delete. There are two reasons this might be a better idea than it sounds. The first is that, with or without soft deletion, deleting data needs to be taken seriously. Although soft deletion allows you to restore deleted data, it’s still likely to have significant consequences: delete a user and they can’t log in, and there may be knock-on effects which are not so easy to rectify (for instance, perhaps users are charged a subscription fee on a regular basis; while the user is deleted, they won’t be charged, and just restoring the user record won’t retroactively apply these charges). We have to take serious care to avoid incorrect deletes, and if we are taking that care, we have less need for the safety provided by soft deletes. The second reason is that, if mistakes do happen, with modern databases, even hard deletion isn’t really hard deletion — the database stores a log of changes, which means you can replay the changes and restore a snapshot for disaster recovery. Now, this rollback ability isn’t usually unlimited (and even if it is, it’s not an entirely trivial process), so after some point the data really will be lost, so this approach won’t work if you need to maintain a historical record for an extended period of time.

Alternative 2: Lifecycle #

For entities that have a lifecycle, one option is to consider end-of-life as part of that lifecycle. So, as well as having states for the various points of active processing, you could have an archived or out-of-use state. This might seem merely a variant of a deletion marker, but the important difference is that it’s explicitly represented at the application level. Generally, any operation on the entity will need to consider its state, and so will naturally consider the archived state, as opposed to the deletion marker which is an extraneous detail. This only really makes sense for entities which naturally have a lifecycle (introducing a state solely to allow an archived state really is just the same as a deletion marker), and it doesn’t entirely do away with the problem of modifying the database structure (although, as there is at least some semantic meaning to the archived state, it may be a little easier to provide a reason for how a change would affect archived data).

Alternative 3: Temporal tables #

The previous approach involves moving deletion from an irritating persistence detail to a first- class part of the application logic. The mirror image is to instead make it a first-class feature of the database. Some databases support temporal tables, where every change has a timestamp associated with it and, rather than modifying existing data, a new change with a new timestamp is recorded. By default, queries operate on the data as it is at the current time, but an explicit time (or range) can be specified to access historical data. This is a good choice where a complete historical record is required, but it does have the disadvantage of, well, keeping a complete historical record (the space for, and the need to query over, the whole history; some of this can be mitigated by partitioning the historical records separately from the current ones).

Alternative 4: Delete them all and let the data warehouse sort it out #

As I said above, problems with soft deletion apply primarily to databases containing an application’s current state. It’s increasingly common for an application to have multiple databases (one database per microservice, for instance), and multiple other data sources (3rd-party analytics services, for example), raising the need for some further data store (a data lake and/or warehouse) to integrate these multiple data sources. You typically want a data warehouse to surface historical data anyway for reporting purposes, so it makes sense to outsource your historical record keeping to this data infrastructure; in that case, you can delete from the application’s own data store with impunity. This does require the overhead of setting up this data infrastructure, and of ensuring that your application robustly sends its data to that infrastructure; but you’re likely to want to do this for other reasons, and if you do, you can take advantage of that to liberate yourself from the complexity of soft deletion.