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Web 4.0 It’s Time to Talk About It Blog Baires Dev

Web 4.0? It’s Time To Talk About It | Blog - BairesDev #

Excerpt #

Web 4.0 promises a transformative online experience, where humans and technology symbiotically collaborate. Expect greater interconnectivity, intelligent interactions, and cyber-physical systems.

Well, Web 3.0 was kind of a disappointment, huh? From Bitcoin to the metaverse, we saw some really amazing technology and solutions that kind of fell flat on their faces. The crypto market crashed hard, Meta, while still hell-bent on VR, kind of swept under the rug their “Virtual World,” and let’s not even mention NFTs.

To be fair, it was a tumultuous time. The COVID-19 pandemic defined so much of our life and to such a degree that it still feels a bit awkward that we don’t have to wear facemasks to walk on the street. Meta saw an opportunity to push for their metaverse amidst the lockdowns, while people started investing in cryptocurrencies as a source of passive income.

But the reality is that the promise of a decentralized internet never came to fruition. If anything, the internet is now more centralized than ever, with social media coalescing as a sort of middle person between users and websites.

If you want to remember the thrill with which we expected Web 3.0, leap back in time and take a look at an article we wrote a while ago about Web 3.0 and how things were expected to change in relation to Web 2.0.

Now that some time has passed we can celebrate some of the best parts of Web 3.0. Blockchain technology has grown tremendously, and with proof of stake as a new approach, it’s finally becoming ecologically viable. VR headsets have never been cheaper, with Meta Quest 2 being less expensive than an iPhone.

Learn more about our experience and the ways we can help you with Blockchain development services.

Machine learning also had quite a leap during the era, with recommendation algorithms exploding in popularity and precision. And to top it all off, people have become more aware of data privacy issues and how companies handle their information.

Regardless, the last couple of years have been massive in terms of disruptive technologies. From the adoption of 5G to artificial intelligence (AI), it seems that the future envisioned by the sci-fi authors of the 60s and 70s is finally coming to fruition. All this rapid growth can be encapsulated in one term: Web 4.0.

Web 4.0, also known as the “Symbiotic Web,” signifies the next phase in the evolution of internet technologies. It revolves around the idea of an interconnected world where machines not only interact with humans but also with each other.

What separates this from its predecessor, Web 3.0, or the Semantic Web, is that it focuses on a more intelligent, intuitive, and integrated internet experience. Web 4.0 brings us a step closer to having a truly immersive online experience by capitalizing on advancements in AI, Internet of Things (IoT) development, and blockchain technology.

BairesDev is currently helping clients bridge technological gaps in these areas. For example, a client in the oil and gas industry requested our help in developing an IoT-based system that allowed their public sector clients to gather data from multiple sources in manufacturing plants and big vehicles. Clients with such IoT systems can expect to reap additional benefits in the era of Web 4.0.

For instance, let’s consider AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa—they’re no longer just performing simple tasks based on commands; instead, they’re learning from past interactions to predict future behavior and provide personalized experiences for users. This is indicative of how Web 4.0 will work—machines learning from human behavior to become smarter and more efficient.

This transformative era of Web 4.0 has incredible potential to revolutionize our everyday lives—from how we interact with appliances at home to how businesses operate on a global scale—making everything more streamlined, efficient, and connected than ever before.


The evolution of the Web

Shift from Web 3.0 to Web 4.0 #

There is still no clear definition of what Web 4.0 is, or will be, at this junction. The only agreement is that one of its core themes is symbiosis. We stand at a significant point in our digital evolution, one that promises an even more interactive and intuitive user experience.

In contrast to Web 3.0’s data linking and machine learning capabilities, Web 4.0 is expected to foster a symbiosis between humans and machines where they will work collaboratively, reshaping our interaction with everyday technology.

The current web environment, Web 3.0, has brought us remarkable advancements, such as personalized content based on user behavior tracking and sophisticated algorithms that tailor search results to individual preferences. This has allowed us to enjoy experiences like Netflix recommending shows based on what we’ve watched previously or Google providing search predictions based on our past queries.

As we step into the world of Web 4.0, these functionalities will become even more advanced and immersive. Web 4.0 promises this level of interconnectedness and foresight by integrating technologies like AI, the IoT, and blockchain into its framework for a seamless user experience. This shift does not mean that we are leaving behind all aspects of Web 3.0; rather, it implies that we are building upon it—enhancing its features with smarter technologies for an optimized online existence.

Posthumanism as a Philosophical Basis for Web 4.0 #

In this segment, we delve into the concept of posthumanism as a philosophical basis for the development of Web 4.0. Posthumanism, an intellectual movement that went beyond traditional notions of humanism, suggests a future where humans will seamlessly integrate with technology and nature.

We find it pertinent to note that posthumanism is not about the devaluation of human values or the human experience; rather, it envisions a collaborative co-evolution of humans and technology as equals. Authors like Rosi Braidotti posit that we have to rethink our relationship with the world and with technology, breaking down the illusory barriers that we have built around the notion of what it means to be human.

To put in simple terms, the invitation is to stop thinking about technology like calculators as “shortcuts,” external to our own power of reasoning, and instead consider a more symbiotic relationship. Think of a product like Github’s Copilot. If I write a script with it, who is the author? Me? The Copilot? The hundreds of millions of developers that produced the code that made Copilot possible? Posthumanism answers: all of the above.
Check out this video to indulge in a richer explanation of this philosophical movement:

Our tools are an extension of our embodiment and have an active role in defining life. If we inspect the developmental trajectory from the static pages of Web 1.0 to the interactive platforms of Web 2.0 and then to the contextual adaptability of Web 3.0, we can deduce that the progression of the Web is moving toward a more immersed and interlinked experience.

Web 4.0, heavily inspired by posthumanist thought, may offer a completely immersive, symbiotic experience between humans and the digital realm. For instance, think of using your social media platform of choice, but rather than it being a separate activity, it’s an integrated part of your consciousness, a seamless experience where notifications and updates don’t disrupt your flow but coexist naturally with your thoughts.

The silly, yet extremist, view is that you should be able to check your social media feed on your toaster while it’s preparing your breakfast and then continue where you left off from another device.

Also, the posthumanist foundation of Web 4.0 could lead to smart environments where the physical and digital domains interlock seamlessly. An illustrative example might be a scenario in which your home adjusts the ambient temperature automatically, based on data pulled from your physiological indicators. Web 4.0, underpinned by posthumanist notions, might catalyze such integrations, leading to an efficient, predictive, and harmony-driven web experience.

Yet, it is crucial we note these advancements from a posthumanist lens don’t neglect the essence of human values but uphold them, enhancing our lived experiences. Technology, hence, becomes an extension, a tool, not a replacement for the human itself.

Key Characteristics of Web 4.0 #

  • Interconnectivity and Integration: The foundation of Web 4.0 lies in its ability to integrate various online platforms and services seamlessly. For instance, we could be shopping online and simultaneously receive recommendations based on our social media activity or browsing history.
  • Intelligent Interactions: With the advent of advanced AI algorithms, Web 4.0 provides a more immersive experience through intelligent interactions (e.g., virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri, and LLMs with their different implementations).
  • Ubiquitous Computing: In Web 4.0, computing becomes pervasive with the integration of smart devices into everyday life; everything can have a microchip, from our appliances to our clothes.
  • User Control over Data: Web 4.0 gives us greater control over our data, enabling us to decide what information is shared with which service provider.
  • Semantic Search: Semantic search enhances search engine capabilities in understanding context and user intent for delivering more accurate results.
  • Cyber-Physical Systems: These systems bridge the gap between digital and physical spaces by converting real-world actions into virtual ones or vice versa—such as using AR/VR technology to visualize architectural designs in real space before construction begins.
  • Digital Twins and Other Simultaneous Technologies: Thanks to the IoT and AI algorithms, we will see virtual objects seamlessly connected with their physical counterparts.
  • Decentralization: As a continuation of Web 3.0, we see an increasing shift toward decentralized networks where no single entity has complete control—blockchain technology and the Fediverse are prime examples.

Web 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence #

Artificial intelligence in Web 4.0 should be seen as an adaptive, intelligent system that personalizes user experience based on their individual interests and habits. It’s as if the internet understands us and our needs in a much closer, more intuitive way than ever before.

Furthermore, AI in Web 4.0 extends beyond just personalized experiences; it shifts toward semantic web technology where data and information are given meaning (semantics) by machine-readable metadata. This allows us to ask complex questions and receive precise answers from the web, instead of navigating through multiple links or pages to find information.

We are already seeing dozens of AI assistants and chatbots that serve all purposes, from trusty companions to even lovers. And as the technology keeps improving, we can expect to see more sophisticated solutions, for example, models that dynamically adapt to your mannerisms and speech patterns, which could lead to computers who can understand and even reply to sarcasm.

Zany computers aside, the integration between different types of AI is going to bring some disruptive changes. While not quite AGI, we will see more examples of products like ChatGPT with integrated code interpreters analyzing data and outputting the results in a human-readable format ready for those executive summaries.

If you’re interested in knowing the possibilities that now surface with Web 4.0, contact us!

The Role of IoT in Web 4.0 #

In the context of Web 4.0, we see the IoT playing an increasingly central role in making our environments more interactive and responsive. This new era can be referred to as the “Intelligent Web,” where devices are not only interconnected but also capable of understanding user needs and behaviors.

Moreover, with the IoT in Web 4.0 framework, we can expect a seamless interaction between various aspects of our lives such as work, leisure activities, or even healthcare services. For instance, wearable fitness trackers could communicate directly with your digital personal assistant to design customized workout plans based on your health data.

Our smart devices could act as conspirators. Say we order some food from a burger joint at the office. Our phone informs our smart home of our culinary choice, so when we get home we see a warning on the fridge telling us that in order to meet our calorie consumption goal, we should only eat a salad. No cheat days under the watch of our appliances!

On a macroscale, we will see further development in regard to logistics. With 5G, the amount of information that can be transferred in real time has grown exponentially, which in turn means that we have more opportunities to build better and more sophisticated sensors to keep track of distribution networks and other forms of transportation.

We perceive that the IoT is proving instrumental in enabling more sophisticated web interactions and creating an ecosystem where all internet-enabled devices work together intelligently for optimal user experience.


Internet of Things

The Significance of Virtual Reality in Web 4.0 #

In the context of Web 4.0, virtual reality (VR) introduces an immersive dimension to our browsing experience. Unlike traditional web interactions that rely on text and static images, VR allows us to engage with three-dimensional environments in real-time. This means we’re not just passive observers; instead, we actively participate in these digital spaces.

For example, consider an e-commerce website enhanced with VR technology. Instead of scrolling through product images, we can virtually “walk” through store aisles, examine products from all angles, or even see how they would look in our homes before making a purchase decision.

Beyond leisure and commerce, VR has notable implications in education and training scenarios as well. In medical training, for instance, students are practicing surgical procedures in a safe yet realistic virtual environment before applying their skills to live patients. And psychologists are incorporating VR for the treatment of phobias, addictions, and general anxiety.

Yes, VR is more cumbersome than your regular phone or computer, but on the other hand, it’s a new approach to create meaningful and fulfilling user experiences. Efficiency isn’t always what users are looking for, and besides, who is going to say no to rhythm games with your VR glasses?

The Evolution of User Interaction in Web 4.0 #

In the early years of the internet, our interaction with the web was quite basic; we clicked on hyperlinks and filled out forms. Fast forward to Web 2.0, which saw a shift from one-way communication to user-generated content and social media interactions. With the advent of Web 3.0, we began to witness an intelligent web where personalized experiences became possible through AI and machine learning.

Let’s talk about how user interaction will evolve in this new era of Web 4.0 that we are transitioning into.

The most significant change is that Web 4.0 is expected to be more interactive and intuitive than ever before, transforming from a service platform into an ecosystem where users can seamlessly interact with the digital world in real-time across various devices and platforms with the need of very little input from our part.

For example, casting a video from our phone to our TV will require fewer steps and less setup, and it should be as simple as changing between apps.

With natural language processing, we bet that in the near future interfaces will become more intuitive for people. Right now our phones and tablets are rudimentary in terms of the instructions they can receive and process. Imagine an AI that is more human-like, capable of handling more complex requests (e.g., a list of instructions) or something as incredible as asking it to write an app for our phone.

Yes, a lot of what we are saying can sound like hype and wishful thinking. The idea is not to sell fantasies but rather to think creatively and imaginatively about the possible outcomes of our technologies in the near future. For those companies that are ready to jump on Web 4.0 (it’s still a few years away) think about connections, think about integration, think about symbiosis.