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10 Best System Design Courses for Coding Interviews in 2024 by Javinpaul Javarevisited Medium

10 Best System Design Courses for Coding Interviews in 2024 | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Medium #

Excerpt #

Hello guys, if you are preparing for Coding interviews and looking for the best System design courses then you have come to the right place. System design is one of the most difficult topics and many…

These are the best online courses to learn System Design from Udemy, edX, and Educative for coding interviews in 2024 #



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Best System Design Courses for Coding Interviews

]( https://www.educative.io/collection/5668639101419520/5649050225344512?affiliate_id=5073518643380224)

Hello guys, if you are preparing for Coding interviews and looking for the best System design courses then you have come to the right place. System design is one of the most difficult topics and many candidates fail to answer questions related to system design, scalability, load-balancing, and failover, which are key to passing the interview.

I have been sharing useful courses for coding interviews for quite some time like earlier, I have shared best algorithms courses, SQL courses, Dynamic Programming, and Linux courses for programmers, and today, I am going to talk about the best online courses to master System design for interviews.

These system design courses have been chosen from popular online learning platforms and websites like Udemy, Coursera, edX, and Educative and these are created by experts who have seen the interviews from both sides of the table.

Along the way, I have also shared useful System Design YouTube videos where you can learn about some popular system design questions like Parking Lot and designing a Messenger service like Whatsapp or WeChat for FREE.

System design interviews are very common in tech giants and FAANG companies like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, NetFlix, and Google. They are different from coding interviews or data structure and algorithm interviews but can be harder.

These online courses will help you to learn useful skills to crack system design interviews at tech companies like Google, Uber, and other FAANG companies.

10 Best System Design Courses for Programmers and Developers in 2024 #

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of some of the great, interactive, and fun online courses to learn Software design and Architecture. These are truly the best online courses you can join to learn this essential skill or improve your system design skill.

1. Mastering the System Design Interview By Frank Kane [Udemy] #

If you are looking for an Udemy course to prepare for System Design then you should look no further than this System design interview course by Frank Kane, an ex-Amazon hiring manager.

In this course, Frank has shared his first-hand experience with how to tackle System design questions on FAANG interviews. You will not only learn all the tips, concepts, and approaches to solve system design questions but also practice many classic System design problems like URL shorter, Web Crawler, and Designing a Restaurant reservation system.

Here are the key things you will learn in this 5-hour long System design course:

  • Learn techniques for scaling distributed systems and service fleets
  • Overview of Database technologies and “NoSQL” solutions
  • How to use caching to improve scalability and performance
  • How to design for resiliency and handling failures
  • How to use Distributed storage solutions
  • How to process big data with Apache Spark
  • An overview of cloud computing resources

Along with that it also comes with six full mock interviews with real-world system design interview questions and general tips and tricks for a successful technical interview. You will also learn Interview strategies for structuring your system design interview

What makes this course separate from other system design courses is Frank Kane’s first-hand experience and his voice and teaching style which really makes learning super engaging and productive.

Here is the link to join this courseMastering the System Design Interview


best System design course on Udemy

]( https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=JVFxdTr9V80&mid=39197&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.udemy.com%2Fcourse%2Fsystem-design-interview-prep%2F)

2. Grokking the System Design Interview [DesignGuru] #

This is one of my favorite courses when it comes to learning Software Design or System design. It’s created to prepare you for the System design interview, but you can also use it to learn how to approach System design in general.

The Grokking the System Design Interview, is one of the first courses (or book) that describes the Large Scale Distributed System Design problems in detail. Even if you’ve worked on Distributed Systems before, there are a lot of things that you can learn from this course.

The authors have created this course to provide you with design choices(including pros and cons) so that you can understand the requirement, compare approaches, and come up with the best solution for the problem at hand.

They are also mindful not to provide a solution at a granularity that’s appropriate for a 45-minute discussion. This makes the course very interesting

Here is the link to join this courseGrokking the System Design Interview


best System Design Course for Beginners

]( https://designgurus.org/link/84Y9hP?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdesigngurus.org%2Fcourse%3Fcourseid%3Dgrokking-the-system-design-interview)

Even if you are not preparing for Coding interviews, I suggest you take this course to improve your System design skills. They also have a sequel now called Grokking the Advanced System Design, which enhance this great course even more.

And, if you find the DesignGuru.io platform and their Grokking courses like Grokking the System Design Interview then you can get their all course bundle which not only give you access to these two courses but also other coding interview courses. It’s very cost-effective and great for preparing for coding interviews. You can also use code GURU to get 30% discount.

Another great thing about DesignGuru is that they provide System Design mock interviews where you can get a real interview like preparation and feedback from people like Arslan Ahmed who have worked in Facebook and created this course. If you are serious about System design interview, mock interview is great for you.

3. ByteByteGo System Design Interview Course by Alex Xu #

If you are preparing for System Design Interview then there is a good chance that you have come across famous System Design Interview — An insider’s guide book, one of my favorite and also the most recommended System design book after Designing Data-Intensive Applications.

But, not many people know that he also has an excellent companion System design course at ByteByteGo, where you can learn System design in more depth.

The course not only covers everything he teaches on the book but also additional material which is exclusively available on the course, I particularly liked his detailed system design diagram which not only explains architecture but how exactly the system works and how it is implemented.

If you have read this book or not, this course is just too great to ignore. You will not only learn how to design large scale system but also learn several key Computer Science concepts which will server you for a long time. You can join this course for annual fee of around $50, I highly recommend this course to anyone who want to learn System Design in depth.

Here is the link to join this courseSystem Design Interview Course by Alex Xu

best system design Interview course for beginners

4. System Design Interview Course by Exponent [Best Website] #

This is another great resource for Software engineers preparing for System Design Interviews on companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix, Meta, and Apple. What separate this System design course from others in this list is the interactive lessons and exercises which really helps in understanding the system design concepts.

In this interactive System design course you will learn how to answer system design questions with in-depth examples and fundamental concepts. They also provide complete interview walkthroughs and mock interviews which can help you asses your preparation level and also calm down your nerves by practice in real interview like scenario.

This course is taught by Jacob Simon, a former Dropbox engineer who has gone through the same process and taught more than 14,000 people System design concepts.

There are two tracks in this course, in first part you will learn about Fundamentals of System Design and in next part you will practice System design questions like designing a Facebook Messenger, designing a URL shortner, Designing Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and parking garage.

You will also learn several tips to answer System design questions and how to break a monolith application into Microservice architecture. This is actually a great website for System design interview preparation and they also have dedicated courses for Amazon, Facebook, and Google Interviews. I highly recommend you to check them out.

Here is the link to join this courseSystem Design Interview Course by Exponent


best website for System Design Interview

]( https://www.tryexponent.com/courses/system-design-interview?ref=javinpaul2)

5. Master the Coding Interview: System Design + Architecture [ZTM] #

This is a relatively new online course for System design and architecture, recently launched by Yihua Zhang and Andrew Negaolie on ZTM Academy. ZTM stands for Zero to Mastery and it was founded by Andrew, a popular Udemy instructor to provide all his best-selling courses under one fee.

In this course, you will learn System design keeping in mind FAANG interviews like essential System design concepts, horizontal and vertical scaling, resiliency, how to run in active-active and active-passive mode, deployment strategies, tools and much more.

Here are key things you will learn in this System design course:

  1. CAP Theorem
  2. TCP and UDP Protocol
  3. Scaling (both horizontal and vertical scaling)
  4. Caching, DNS, and Load balancers
  5. Database, Jobs, Queues and Services
  6. Cloud, Clustering and ACID

Overall a nice, up-to-date course for System design interviews, particularly to learn essential system design concepts and architecture.

Here is the link to join this courseMaster the Coding Interview: System Design + Architecture


best System desig course for interviews

]( https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_z8vtj3dk/external?affcode=441520_zytgk2dn)

Btw, you would need a ZTM membership to watch this course which costs around $39 per month but also provides access to many super engaging and useful courses like this one. You can also use coupon code FRIENDS10 to get a 10% discount on this course or any subscription you choose.

6. Software Design and Architecture Specialization Coursera #

This is another, well-structured course to learn Software design and Architecture from Coursera, a great online portal. It is offered by the University of Alberta and delivered by Kenny Wong.

The specialization contains five online courses to teach you object-oriented design, design patterns, software architecture, and Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA).

The specialization also includes a project, and you will be awarded a certificate after completing the course. The best part of this specialization is that you will learn the science behind Software design and architecture.

Once you know the relevant patterns and principles, it would be much easier to communicate your plan with your fellow programmers and stakeholders. You will also gain the ability to critically view a software or piece of code from the design perspective.

Here is the link to join this software design courseSoftware Design and Architecture Specialization


Best Coursera course to learn Software architecture and design

]( https://coursera.pxf.io/c/3294490/1164545/14726?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coursera.org%2Fspecializations%2Fsoftware-design-architecture)

7. System Design Interview Guide by Facebook Tech Lead on Udemy #

This is another Udemy bestseller course to prepare for System design interviews for both beginners and experienced programmers. It talks about the solutions to most of the questions that are asked by product companies these days and also explains various concepts via simple real-world examples.

By taking this course you’ll know about solutions to all the common problems that you might come across in a System Design interview like:

  1. System Design of TinyURL
  2. System Design of Airbnb
  3. System Design of Whatsapp messenger
  4. System Design of Youtube

And many more…

You’ll also become an expert on some common concepts that are important from a System Design perspective and their applications in real-world systems. Some of the key concepts covered in this course would be:

  1. Load balancers
  2. Caches
  3. Database
  4. SQL or NoSQL
  5. Message queues
  6. Database design

This course is taught by a Facebook engineer who has gone through the process of passing a System design interview on FAANG companies and this course is a great opportunity to learn from his experience.

Here is the link to join this course - System Design Interview Guide


best System Design Courses for programmers

]( https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=JVFxdTr9V80&mid=39197&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.udemy.com%2Fcourse%2Fsystem-design-a-comprehensive-guide%2F)

8. Web Application & Software Architecture 101 #

This is another excellent course from Educative to learn about Web application architecture. In this course, you will learn about different architectural styles like monolith, microservices, client-server, 3-tier architecture, decentralized peer-to-peer architecture, and how requests and data move in web applications.

You will also learn about how to think big and think in terms of layers, performance, scalability, and high availability, which is a must for today’s application.

The course not only introduces the different architectural pattern but also explains the pros and cons of each approach and walk you through a different scenario where a particular architecture is more suitable than others.

Here is the link to join this architecture courseWeb Application & Software Architecture 101


Best course to learn Software architecture and design

]( https://www.educative.io/courses/web-application-software-architecture-101?affiliate_id=5073518643380224)

To be honest with you, this is one of the best design and architecture course for not only senior developers but also every software developer out there as it will expand your thinking process and will you make a more confident web developer.

They also have a great course for System design interview called Grokking Modern System Design for Software Engineers & Managers which can join along with this for better preparation.

There is a significant discount on the course now, and it’s available for just $53, the original price $79, it’s a bit expensive for them Udemy courses but worth it.

On the other hand, if you like Educative as a platform, you can also buy a subscription for just $17 per month ( 50% discount), I have one, and I highly recommend you to get.

9 Data Structures and Software Design by edX #

This is another great course to learn about System design and Software design. This course is part of the CS Essentials for Software Development Professional Certificate program.

This course will take your skills to the next level by teaching you how to write “good” software that appropriately represents and organizes data, is easy to maintain, and is of high quality.

You will not only learn how to convert a set of requirements into a high-quality software design but also how to write efficient code that is easy to read, understand, and modify.

This is a great free course to learn two essential skills data structures and software design. The class is 4-weeks long and requires 8–10 hours of effort weekly. The course also offers a certificate, but you need to pay for it.

Here is the link to join this design courseData Structures and Software Design


Best edX course to learn Software architecture and design

]( https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=6798&awinaffid=631878&clickref=&p=%5B%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.edx.org%2Fcourse%2Fdata-structures-and-software-design%5D%5D)

10. Rocking System Design [New Udemy Course] #

This is another great course to prepare for System Design Interviews. Created by Rajdeep Saha, a Cloud Architect, this Udemy course will teach you what and how to prepare for these interviews using real-world case studies.

You will get a good overview of key topics as well as how to approach a system design interview. The course covers real-life case studies from frequently asked system design questions.

Here are some of the sample questions you will learn in this system design course-

  • How to design an Uber-like App (Sample Question)
  • How to create an eCommerce app and scale it to millions of users
  • How to create a website to sell movie tickets online? Scale it to millions of users.
  • How would you go about creating feed postings in a social network?

Overall a good course for anyone who wants to prepare for a system design interview. Talking about social proof, more than 3K students have joined this course.

Here is the link to join this coursePreparing for the System Design Interviews


]( https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=JVFxdTr9V80&mid=39197&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.udemy.com%2Fcourse%2Fpreparing-for-system-design-interviews%2F)

11. Secure Software Design Specialization [Coursera] #

This is a great Coursera certification and course to learn about Secure Design. Security is an essential concern of Modern software design, and this specialization is focused on teaching you how to design secure software.

There are four courses in this Coursera Specialization that will not only show you practices of safe software design but also introduce you to tools and security threads and how to mitigate them.

Like other Coursera specializations, all four courses are free-to-audit, but you need to pay a small fee if you need a certificate of completion, something which you can add to your CV or LinkedIn profile.

This certificate gives you the right to show the world that you know about secure software design. The University of Colorado offers the course.

Here is the link to join this courseSecure Software Design Specialization


Best Coursera course to learn Software architecture and design

]( https://coursera.pxf.io/c/3294490/1164545/14726?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coursera.org%2Fspecializations%2Fsecure-software-design)

By the way, If you are planning to join multiple Coursera courses or specializations then consider taking a Coursera Plus subscription which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.

It cost around $399/year but it’s completely worthy of your money as you get unlimited certificates.

12. System Design: Messenger service like Whatsapp or WeChat — Interview Question #

This is another YouTube video where you can learn to solve another popular System design interview question about designing Whatsapp or WeChat like messaging applications.

This is a system design interview question asked at companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and many startups: How to design a messenger service like Whatsapp, WeChat, or Facebook Messenger?

The instructor will guide you through this interview question, give you talking points, and point out the right questions to ask. A quick and easy explanation even if this is your first system design interview question.

Here is the YouTube video you can watch to solve this system design problem:

14. Master Object-Oriented Design in Java — Homework + Solutions #

One of the problems with Java developers is that they know how to code, but mostly they are not aware of how to write useful industry-standard object-oriented software. This course tries to fill that gap.

In this course, you will not only learn about object-oriented programming and design using abstract classes and interfaces but also about OOP design principles like SOLID and outline patterns and design patterns like Builder, Observer, and Decorator, which are vital for writing modular and flexible code.

The course also has assignments where you can apply the knowledge to design software from scratch, which is great to master this valuable skill truly.

The course has been created by Imtiaz Ahmad, one of the Udemy best seller instructors, and more than 19,363 students have already enrolled in this course.

Here is the link to join this course — Master Object-Oriented Design in Java


best object oriented programming course for beginners

]( https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=JVFxdTr9V80&mid=39197&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.udemy.com%2Fmastering-object-oriented-design-in-java%2F)

15. Parking Lot — System Design Interview Question #

This is a nice YouTube video explaining how to solve a popular parking lot System design interview question.

This video tutorial covers the following use cases

  1. Give a user ticket when he enters
  2. 2. Generate price when the user exits.

They also discuss APIs, Database models’ and database choice, how to make it distributed, and concurrency which is key system design concepts and often asked during coding interviews.

Here is the full video you can watch to learn how to solve this popular system design interview question.

16. Software Architecture & Design of Modern Large Scale Systems #

This is another Udemy course to learn about High-level system design. This course is not just useful for coding interviews but also for your day-to-day work.

The course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of High-Level System Design. Whether you are an undergrad who wants to learn more about a distributed system or an aspirant to crack the system design interview in one of the top tech companies, you will benefit from this course!

Here are the key things you will learn in this course:

  • What consideration do you make while designing a large scale system
  • The building blocks of large scale software systems
  • Managing tradeoffs while designing large scale applications

Overall a great course to learn about high-level system design and some useful concepts like Scalability, High Availability, Reliability, and Performance.

here is the link to join this courseSoftware Architecture & Design of Modern Large Scale Systems


best course to learn Software architecture and large system design

]( https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=JVFxdTr9V80&mid=39197&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.udemy.com%2Fcourse%2Fsoftware-architecture-design-of-modern-large-scale-systems%2F)

17. Pragmatic System Design [Udemy Best Course] #

This is another awesome online course to learn System Design fundamentals like scaling, databases, caching, shredding, and much more. The instructor claims that this is the only course you need to crack system design interviews

Here are the key skills you will learn in this course:

  • Learn what load balancers are and how to implement them within your system.
  • Acquire knowledge about Relational and Non-relational databases. Different kinds of NoSQL databases will be covered in detail.
  • Learn about various distributed data architectures like GFS, Hadoop, and Spark.
  • Learn how to improve your system’s performance using sharding. We will also cover various strategies to shard databases.
  • Understand different uses of message queues and Kafka.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of caches. Learn about cache eviction and data access policies. Redis and Memcached are also discussed

You can see a lot of useful topics are covered which is generally not covered in typical system design interview courses. I suggest watching previews of this course and if you find it interesting and connect with the instructor then this could be a great resource to build your system design skills.

Here is the link to join this course — Pragmatic System Design


best course to crack System Design Interviews

]( https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=JVFxdTr9V80&mid=39197&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.udemy.com%2Fcourse%2Fpragmatic-system-design%2F)

18. Grokking Modern System Design for Software Engineers & Managers [Educative ] #

This is an advanced course to learn about Software architecture and System Design from Educative.io, one of my favorite interactive learning platforms for tech interviews, particular System Design and this course is like the advanced version of their popular Grokking The System Design Interview course which is moved to DesignGuru.io

Designing systems and architecture software is one of the key responsibilities of a senior software engineer. But it’s difficult to master without practice, and few people have the chance to work on large-scale projects from the ground up.

This advanced System design course solves that problem. It provides you a chance to dive deep into the most common types of distributed systems including key-value store, distributed messaging and streaming system, distributed file storage systems, and more.

By using actual use-cases from some of the most famous systems, you will get a look at the architecture the creators had in mind while designing the system. You will then evaluate various tradeoffs that the original developers had to consider and what prompted them to choose a certain design given their constraints.

Along the way, you will also learn about a set of design patterns that are used to solve some of the most common problems in distributed systems. These are especially handy in system design interviews.

If you have an interview coming up, or you’re interested in software design/architecture, then you can use this course to level up your system design skills and prepare better.

Here is the link to join this course Grokking Modern System Design for Software Engineers & Managers


best advanced System Design interview course

]( https://www.educative.io/courses/grokking-modern-system-design-software-engineers-managers?affiliate_id=5073518643380224)

Along with these two courses, they also have a couple of nice course to prepare for coding interviews and object oriented design, you can get access to their 700+ courses and Educative-99 skill path by getting a Educative subscription which cost just $14 on 2 year plan. . I recommend that if you preparing for coding interviews.

That’s all about some of the best courses to learn about software design and architecture. As I have said, investing time and effort in these skills goes a long way in your career and becoming a better software developer.

They also help you to crack coding interviews because object-oriented design and system design are an integral part of programming job interviews. If you need some practice, you can also see the Grokking The System Design course on DesignGuru.io.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best software architecture and system design courses, then please share them with your friends and colleagues, they will appreciate it. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P.S. — If you are looking to learn Object-Oriented Programming and design, then you can also check out this list of free OOP courses to build your foundations and fill gaps in your understanding.