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Ethics Rationalism, Existentialism, Nietzsche Britannica

Ethics - Rationalism, Existentialism, Nietzsche | Britannica #

Excerpt #

Ethics - Rationalism, Existentialism, Nietzsche: If Hobbes is to be regarded as the first of a distinctively British philosophical tradition, the Dutch-Jewish philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632–77) appropriately occupies the same position in continental Europe. Unlike Hobbes, Spinoza did not provoke a long-running philosophical debate. In fact, his philosophy was neglected for a century after his death and was in any case much too self-contained a system to invite debate. Nevertheless, Spinoza held positions on crucial issues that sharply contrasted with those taken by Hobbes, and these differences were to grow over the centuries during which British and continental European philosophy followed their own paths.

Home Philosophy & Religion Ethical Issues

The Continental tradition from Spinoza to Nietzsche #

Spinoza #

Benedict de Spinoza

Benedict de Spinoza

Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza, painting by an anonymous artist; in the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany.

If Hobbes is to be regarded as the first of a distinctively British philosophical tradition, the Dutch-Jewish philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632–77) appropriately occupies the same position in continental Europe. Unlike Hobbes, Spinoza did not provoke a long-running philosophical debate. In fact, his philosophy was neglected for a century after his death and was in any case much too self-contained a system to invite debate. Nevertheless, Spinoza held positions on crucial issues that sharply contrasted with those taken by Hobbes, and these differences were to grow over the centuries during which British and continental European philosophy followed their own paths.

The first of these contrasts with Hobbes is Spinoza’s attitude toward natural desires. As has been noted, Hobbes took self-interested desire for pleasure as an unchangeable fact about human nature and proceeded to build a moral and political system to cope with it. Spinoza did just the opposite. He saw natural desires as a form of bondage. One does not choose to have them of his own will. One’s will cannot be free if it is subject to forces outside itself. Thus, one’s real interest lies not in satisfying these desires but in transforming them by the application of reason. Spinoza thus stands in opposition not only to Hobbes but also to the position later to be taken by Hume, for Spinoza saw reason not as the slave of the passions but as their master.

The second important contrast is that, whereas individual humans and their separate interests are always assumed in Hobbes’s philosophy, this separation is simply an illusion from Spinoza’s viewpoint. Everything that exists is part of a single system, which is at the same time nature and God. (One possible interpretation of this is that Spinoza was a pantheist, believing that God exists in every aspect of the world and not apart from it.) Humans too are part of this system and are subject to its rationally necessary laws. Once this is understood, it becomes apparent how irrational it would be to desire that things should be different from the way they are. This means that it is irrational to envy, to hate, and to feel guilt, for these emotions presuppose the possibility of things being different. So one ceases to feel such emotions and finds peace, happiness, and even freedom—in Spinoza’s terms the only freedom there can be—in understanding the system of which one is a part.

A view of the world so different from everyday conceptions as that of Spinoza cannot be made to seem remotely plausible when presented in summary form. To many philosophers it remains implausible even when complete. Its value for ethics, however, lies not in its validity as a whole but in the introduction into continental European philosophy of a few key ideas: that one’s everyday nature may not be one’s true nature; that humans are part of a larger unity; and that freedom is to be found in following reason.

Leibniz #

The German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), the next great figure in the tradition of rationalism, gave scant attention to ethics, perhaps because of his belief that the world is governed by a perfect God and hence must be the best of all possible worlds. As a result of Voltaire’s hilarious parody in Candide (1759), this position has achieved a certain notoriety. It is not generally recognized, however, that it does at least provide a consistent solution to a problem that has baffled Christian thinkers for many centuries: how can there be evil in a world governed by a God who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good? (See evil, problem of.) Leibniz’s solution may not be plausible, but there may be no better one if the premises above are allowed to pass unchallenged.

Rousseau #

It was the French philosopher and writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78) who took the next step. His A Discourse on Inequality (1755) depicted a state of nature very different from that described by Hobbes as well as from Christian conceptions of original sin. Rousseau’s “noble savages” lived isolated, trouble-free lives, supplying their simple wants from the abundance that nature provided and even going to each other’s aid in times of need. Only when someone claimed possession of a piece of land did laws have to be introduced, and with them came civilization and all its corrupting influences. This is, of course, a message that resembles one of Spinoza’s key points: the human nature that one sees in one’s fellow citizens is not the only possibility; somewhere, there is something better. If a way to reach it could be found, it would mean the solution to all ethical and social problems.

Rousseau revealed his route in The Social Contract (1762), which called for rule by the “ general will.” This may sound like democracy, and, in a sense, it was democracy that Rousseau advocated; but his conception of rule by the general will is very different from the modern idea of democratic government. Today, it is taken for granted that in any society the interests of different citizens will be in conflict, and that as a result for every majority that succeeds in having its will implemented there will be a minority that fails to do so. For Rousseau, on the other hand, the general will is not the sum of all the individual wills in the community but the true common will of all the citizens. Even if a person dislikes and opposes a decision carried by the majority, that decision represents the general will, the common will in which he shares. For this to be possible, Rousseau must be assuming that there is some common good in which all human beings share and hence that their true interests coincide. As man passes from the state of nature to civil society, he has to “consult his reason rather than study his inclinations.” This is not, however, a sacrifice of his true interest, for in following reason he ceases to be a slave to “physical impulses” and so gains moral freedom.

This leads to a picture of civilized human beings as divided selves. The general will represents the rational will of every member of the community. If an individual opposes the decision of the general will, his opposition must stem from his physical impulses and not from his true, autonomous will. For obvious reasons, this idea was to find favour with autocratic leaders of the French Revolution such as Robespierre. It also had a much-less-sinister influence on one of the outstanding philosophers of modern times: Immanuel Kant (1724–1804).